How To Use An Outdated Or Expired Version Of WhatsApp

How to use an outdated or expired version of WhatsApp
Some things are just beyond pure knowledge... Who knew there would ever be a tip on how to use an outdated or expired version of WhatsApp? Your
 WhatsApp has expired and automatically you are required to update but you don't want to...or maybe you do not have enough data to download the updated one.
I will show you a true workaround to use an expired version of WhatsApp.

Steps on how to use an outdated or expired version of WhatsApp

- First download and install APK Editor
- Open it and choose "Select APK file from App" if WhatsApp is still installed in your device or "Select APK file from file" to choose it from your sdcard
- Select WhatsApp
- Tap "Common Edit" where you can only
°Edit app icon,
°Package name,

- Edit the version number and code to match the latest version of WhatsApp
- Then tap "Done"
- The modified app will be created.
-Uninstall the WhatsApp you have and install the one you just created

- Now you won't get that annoying  "Your version expires on..." pop-up again
That's just it! Really,! Now you know how to use an outdated or expired version of WhatsApp

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