You just dropped your telephone in the can or a pool of water, DON'T freeze. Get IT as fast as you can in light of the fact that the more it's in the fluid, the more noteworthy the probability harm will be. When you get a grip of your telephone ensure you turn it off by expelling the battery and if your telephone has a non-removable battery off it off by squeezing the power botton.

Before we get to the following stage these are a portion of the things you shouldn't do after your telephone drops in water;

Try not to attempt to charge it

Try not to turn it on

Try not to utilize a blower or attempt to blow it the water beads may spread to different pieces of your telephone

Try not to shake your telephone

Directly subsequent to turning off your telephone expel your sim card and memory card, you can wipe it utilizing a dry bit of material however the best technique is to cover your telephone in a sack of dry rice. The rice retains away the dampness caught inside your telephone, guaranteeing that it is totally dry all around.

You can likewise fill a plastic loose with silica bundles (those little parcels that you find in shoe boxes) and drop your telephone in into it. Silica is a desiccant that sucks up water dampness, so it's ideal for drying a wet cell phone. Regardless of whether you pick the rice technique or the silica strategy, you'll need to leave your telephone in the bowl or sack for around 3 days to ensure that the majority of the dampness has been evacuated.

Following 2 – 3 days you can turn on your telephone and in the event that it turns on you are a great idea to go. In the event that your device doesn't go on you can charge it and if its still not reacting you can check in a portable fix shop. In the event that your cell phone has turned on and it is running as it should, you should at present watch out for it for the following couple of days, to check whether you see anything strange.

In the event that you need to shield your telephone from water harm in future, you can likewise buy a waterproof telephone case.

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